India is vast. To accommodate various socio-economic and culture factors in different parts of the country, we have adapted our approach to meet the needs of the children in each community while maintaining the Family Model. Children are abandoned for various reasons in every country. In India – many of our children have come from a single parent home and when their parent decided to remarry, the new partner was unwilling to raise someone else’s children. We see that as an opportunity.

Currently, we have 15 homes spread throughout this beautiful country. Under the supervision of Advisory Board member Pastor John Joseph, we have established operations that have been making an impact in many children’s lives for nearly 2 decades. No matter where they have come from, we have seen amazing results in the lives of these boys and girls once they’ve been placed in a safe, family-focused environment. Once taken off the street, they are given the support of a loving environment, the steadfast commitment of adults who care for them, and are exposed to an environment that allows them to thrive. In addition to this, we have provided educational as well as vocational training that prepares them for life as adults who can contribute to the elevation of the nation as a whole.